
Human Values: 
        Right Conduct
        Non- Violence 

Value Of Time:
*Any one want to know about value of time should ask these members*
1. One year value - Ask who failed in exams.
2. One month value - Ask who has delivered as a Premature baby.
3. One Week value - Ask Editor of weekly Newspaper.
4. One day value - Ask Daily Wage-labour.
5. One hour value - Ask Lovers Longing to meet.
6. One minute value - Ask a person who has missed the train.
7. One second value - Ask the person who had survived An accident.
8. One milli second value - Ask the person who has won the silver medal instead of gold medal in Olympics.
9. One  micro second value - Ask the NASA team of scientists.
10. One nano second value - Ask the A hard-wear engineer .
Remember it dears.

Important : 
Six Ethics of Life :

Before you pray - Belive
Before you speak - Listin
Before you spend - Earn
Before you write - Think
Before you Quiet - Try
Before you Die - Live


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